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Governing Body Vacancies

December 2024

We currently have vacancies on our friendly and welcoming school governing body and are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who would be interested in taking on this enjoyable and rewarding role.

Are you passionate about achieving the best possible outcomes for children?

Are you inquisitive, curious and enthusiastic?

Do you have good interpersonal skills and enjoy learning and working together as a team?

Have you ever thought about volunteering as a school governor?

Our governors are a collaborative team of volunteers who work closely with the headteacher, making strategic decisions vital to the successful running of the school, and which will directly affect the education and wellbeing of our children. They make a valuable contribution to our school community, offering time, enthusiasm and commitment. Membership of our board includes the headteacher and school staff, parents new and old, and volunteers from the local area.

Governors usually meet in school six times a year on a Tuesday evening between 5.30pm-7.30pm. Each governor is also asked to monitor and support a particular area of focus by visiting school during term time twice a year. You may also be asked to assist with governor panels for staff interviews if you are available. All of our governors serve a term of four years and parent governors can complete their term even once their child has moved on to primary school. Governors can also step down from the role at any time.

No experience of governance or education is needed to join our governing body. We provide a full induction for new governors, have lots of training resources, and our experienced governors are happy to provide help and advice.  All applications are valued and welcome.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in becoming a governor at our school, please email our Clerk to Governors Julie Fowler -, or contact the school office either in person or by phone - 01332 371876.