School Meals
Breakfast Club
We serve a wide selection of foods at the breakfast club. Children have a choice of healthy whole grain cereals and milks along with buttered toast, bagels and crumpets. They can choose to drink milk or water with their breakfast.
School Lunchtimes
Hot lunches are provided by Central Nursery at a cost of £3.20 per day. Please see below for the current menu, or alternatively, children can bring a healthy packed lunch from home. All the children sit together and eat lunch socially within the nursery to eat before going out to play in the garden after lunch. Children are supported by our experienced team of midday play workers through lunchtimes.
After-School Club Meals
A selection of sandwiches with a choice of fillings is served each evening with a drink of milk or water. This light meal is followed by a selection of natural yoghurt and fresh fruits daily. Tea is served at around 4.10pm for those children who stay at our after-school provision.
Snack Times
All children are offered a snack during each morning and afternoon session.
All children can access a drink of water at any time throughout the day, cups are provided, they do not need to bring water bottles from home.
During the morning and afternoon, we open our snack café in the nursery for children to come for a self-selected snack. Children can sit around the tables with their friends and adults in the nursery. They very much enjoy chatting with friends whilst they refuel. The children can enjoy a piece of fruit and a carbohydrate snack such as malt loaf, crackers, bread sticks or fruit loaf at snack time. They also have a choice of a drink of milk or water at the snack table. Children are encouraged to select their own snack and pour their own drinks in the snack café before clearing away their own pots.
We are very conscious of ensuring that snacks and meals are healthy, savoury and varied, supporting children to make independent food choices and understand the importance of healthy eating.