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Whitecross Nursery School provides quality nursery education for children who are three years old for the year before they start school.  We offer all three-year-old children fifteen hours of funded sessions and, for those families who are eligible, we offer thirty-hour funded sessions (Please check the government website to view your entitlement).  We can provide 52 places in each morning and each afternoon session.  On the rare occasions that we have any unfilled spaces, then we are able to offer some rising three-year-olds a paid-for place.

Whitecross does not have a catchment area.  Our children are a wide mix of local families and children who travel from all areas of Derbyshire.  We offer all available places in line with our admissions policy and many parents do put their child’s name on our waiting list at the earliest opportunity.  Children with educational needs are entitled to be offered a priority placement.

Whilst we offer exceptional teacher-led early education at Whitecross, we work closely with our families to ensure that all their childcare needs are met.  To support working parents, we offer high-quality wraparound care.  Whitecross staff run a lively breakfast club from 7.30am and calming after-school care until 5.45pm.  All children who attend for a full day are welcome to stay at school for lunch daily. They can choose to bring a packed lunch or pay for a school lunch daily.  Parents can also pay for extra sessions outside their funded sessions.  Our ability to be flexible is popular with families.

Please feel free to pop in or telephone for the opportunity to discuss your childcare needs with us at any time or, if you would like to add your child to our waiting list, please complete the 'Waiting List Registration Form' located on the 'Contact Us' page of the website.

For more information about the sessions we offer, and our current fees, please see our 'Funded Nursery Places' section.

Funded Nursery Places

All three and four-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours a week of funded early years' education for 38 weeks of the year. 

Some working parents and carers of three and four-year-olds in Derby, may be eligible for up to a further 15 hours of funded childcare, in addition to the existing funded 15 hours early education entitlement, if they meet certain criteria. This is called the Extended Entitlement. You can apply for funding when your child is 2 years and 36 weeks old.

To remain eligible for your 30 hours of free childcare, you will need to confirm your code with HMRC each term. Please see the information on the childcare choices website which tells you how to ensure you continue to receive your funding.

For more information and to check if you qualify, please visit:

To apply for either 15 or 30 hours, please complete the FEEE Parental Contract available below and hand this in to the nursery office.

Further information regarding nursery sessions and fees can also be found in the documents below.

Please see our Policies page for our Charging and Remissions Policy.