British Values
At Whitecross Nursery School we endeavour to create a positive climate for learning, enabling children to thrive in a highly cohesive learning community, thus preparing them for the future. We do this by promoting children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in the following ways:
- By developing an interest in different faiths and cultures both within our school and further afield.
- By developing a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about others and the world around them.
- By offering a range of activities allowing children to develop their imaginative and creative skills.
- By encouraging children to be reflective about their experiences.
- By teaching children the difference between right and wrong and helping them to understand the consequences of their behaviour.
- By offering opportunities to participate in and use a range of social skills in different contexts e.g. by going on walks in the local environment or by inviting visitors into our setting.
- By offering opportunities for children to take responsibility for their learning and supporting them to be tolerant of, to cooperate well with others and to resolve conflict effectively.
- By supporting children to accept and engage with the rules of our setting.
- By offering a range of stimulating artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities so that children are motivated to take part.