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Resources Committee Terms of Reference

Resources Management Committee – Terms of Reference and Remits


The committee shall consist of a minimum of 4 Governors.  Membership will be agreed by the FGB and reviewed annually.  The committee may make recommendations to the Governing body for co-option of non-voting members.  The Chair of committee must be a Governor and will be elected annually by the FGB; the chair should not be the headteacher.  In the event the chair is absent the committee will elect a temporary chair from those present at the meeting.


The quorum is 3 Governors, 2 of which must be non-staff members.  Any decisions taken must be determined by a majority of votes of committee members present and voting – but no vote can be taken unless a majority of those present are governors.  In the event of a tie, the Chair of committee will have the casting vote


  • The committee will meet as often as necessary to fulfil its responsibilities and at least once per term with dates and times to be agreed by the committee at the start of each academic year
  • The Chair of Committee with the Clerk of committee will ensure that for each meeting an agenda is prepared and minutes are produced and circulated to the FGB, including a register of attendance
  • The Committee meetings will not be open to the public but minutes shall be made available. Information relating to a named person or any other matter that the committee considers confidential does not have to be made available for inspection.
  • The Chair of Committee will report key issues which need to be brought to the attention of the FGB at the next meeting of this group

General Terms

  1. To act on matters delegated by the full governing body.
  2. To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary.
  3. To contribute to the School/Academy Improvement Plan.
  4. To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions.
  5. The committee are authorised to seek any information it requires from any employee, with all employees directed to co-operate with any request made by the committee
  6. The committee are authorised to obtain any outside legal or independent professional advice where it deems necessary, providing any charges are authorised in line with the agreed financial delegations policy

Key Focus

To determine, approve and monitor the school’s budget, budgetary systems, financial policy and allocation of resources, including premises, health & safety and security responsibilities.  To determine, approve and monitor the school’s staffing structure.

Financial policy and planning

  1. To review, adopt and monitor a Finance Policy which includes the local scheme of delegation for spending and budgetary adjustments for the Full Governing Body, committees, headteacher and other nominated staff on an annual basis.
  2. To approve a written description of financial systems and procedures in line with the LAs scheme for financing schools
  3. To review, adopt and monitor all additional financial policies, including charging and remissions policy
  4. To make decisions in respect of any service level agreements.
  5. To ensure that sufficient funds are set aside for pay increments as set out in the Pay Policy and as recommended by the headteacher.
  6. To determine the arrangements for auditing of School accounts
  7. To ensure an appropriate Asset Register is maintained and determine delegation rights for asset write-off/inventory disposal.
  8. To ensure Insurance arrangements are current and fit for purpose
  9. To establish and monitor a governors expenses scheme

Financial monitoring

  1. To monitor the income and expenditure throughout the year of all delegated and devolved funds against the annual budget plan.
  2. To receive at least termly budget monitoring reports from the School Business Manager (SBM).
  3. To report back to each meeting of the full governing body and to alert them of potential problems or significant anomalies at an early date.
  4. Subject to the local scheme of delegation, to approve any budgetary adjustments that will from time to time be necessary in response to the evolving requirements of the school.
  5. To review, complete and submit the School Financial Value Standard (SFVS).
  6. To undertake any remedial action identified as part of the SFVS.
  7. To ensure the school is completing and working to the SFVS.
  8. To receive and act upon any issues identified by a local authority audit.


  1. To provide support and guidance for the governing body and the headteacher on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds.
  2. To ensure that an annual inspection of the premises and grounds takes place and a report is received identifying any issues.
  3. To inform the governing body of the report and set out a proposed order of priorities for maintenance and development, for the approval of the governing body.
  4. To monitor and authorise the arrangement of professional surveys and emergency work as necessary. - The headteacher is authorised to commit expenditure without the prior approval of the committee in any emergency where delay would result in further damage or present a risk to the health and safety of pupils or staff. In this event the headteacher is expected to consult the committee chair at the earliest opportunity.


  1. To ensure that the school is staffed sufficiently for the fulfilment of the school‘s development plan and the effective operation of the school.
  2. To establish a Pay Policy for all categories of staff, review on an annual basis and ensure its implementation
  3. To establish and ensure implementation of the school's Appraisal Policy and consider and approve recommendations from the annual appraisal cycle on pay progression.
  4. To manage the annual appraisal of the Headteacher – this must be done by at least 2 Governors with the assistance of an appointed external advisor
  5. To ensure that staffing procedures (including recruitment procedures) follow equalities legislation and safeguarding guidelines.
  6. To annually review procedures for dealing with staff discipline and grievances and make recommendations to the governing body for approval.
  7. To monitor approved procedures for staff discipline and grievance and ensure that staff are kept informed of these.
  8. To recommend to the governing body staff selection procedures, ensuring that they conform with safer recruitment practice, and to review these procedures as necessary.


  1. To review the school’s GDPR and Data protection policies and recommend approval to the governing body.
  2. To monitor GDPR compliance within the school and ensure any remedial actions required are progressed.
  3. To ensure that there are appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to reduce the risk of a cyber security attack.

Approved by the Governing Body of Whitecross Nursery School on 5 July 2023.